Empower Your Fitness Journey: The Top Tip for Women Starting Out on Their Fitness Path - Building and Sustaining a Strong Workout Routine


Hey ladies, are you ready to start your fitness journey but don't know where to begin? Or maybe you've tried before but ended up exhausted and quitting? Well, you're not alone, and I'm here to help you out with the best fitness tip for beginners - how to set up a maintainable workout routine.

One of the biggest mistakes I see women make is starting with advanced fitness programs they find online, only to exhaust themselves and end up quitting. It's important to remember that if your priorities and lifestyle are different from that of a professional athlete, it's not the right way to start your fitness journey. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but it's not sustainable.

As a full-time working woman it's important to follow a routine that is both challenging and achievable for you and your schedule. I often suggest a two sessions with weights & 1x or 2x 30-minute cardio workouts, and an outdoor walk every day of the week. However, some clients try to do more than what's recommended, and after the first two weeks, they end up exhausted and fatigued, making it hard for them to focus at work or in life.

Consistency is key, and it’s not a race; it’s a marathon.

It takes time to build good habits, more than the magic 30 to 60 days that most people say. You need to be committed and present all the time when working on your fitness goal. That's why it's important to start with a routine that's not killing you from the start. Remember, being active daily needs to become a habit, something you do automatically, and that you enjoy.

So, my tips for you are:

  • To keep your workout short, not longer than an hour, and 30 to 45 minutes is enough.

  • Two sessions with weights per week are enough, and you don't need to lift heavy. You can do your cardio at home with bodyweight exercises, and you don't need to do a HIIT workout. Maintain your heart rate around 60% of your max and retain it for at least 25 minutes.

  • Try to walk for 45 minutes every day while listening to uplifting music or a motivational podcast. This will help reduce stress and boost your energy.

  • Remember, the intensity of your workouts is not as important as being regular. If you don't feel it, do it anyway, and go through the motions. Once you start developing habits, it becomes easier.

And if you can't train as much as I suggest, don't worry. Any step forward is better than nothing, and you'll get there sooner or later if you don't quit. So, join me in my YouTube workout video, where I'll guide you through a beginner-friendly workout routine that is both challenging and maintainable. Let's start our fitness journey together!

Full Body Workout Designed For Busy Women! All In One Workout!