
Elevate Your Employee productivity, energy & Image

Rates of depression, low confidence, identity crisis, and health issues across all sectors of our workforce are skyrocketing, and the number of employees taking long-term absence due to health and mental conditions is at an all-time high.

Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business. It’s as simple as that. Healthy, engaged employees are your top competitive advantage.
— Richard Branson


IMAGE · Nutrition· Fitness · self-care

Professional Woman at Desk Focused on Corporate Wellness Program

Your company may suffer due to this. Side effects of poor well-being among your employees might include:

  • Unproductive employees (which costs you money).

  • Unhappiness, potentially leading to job quitting and a lack of motivation to improve.

  • Unhealthiness (resulting in excessive sick leave).

  • Being perceived as unprofessional in the eyes of your customers (emotional employees who don't seem the part).

  • Not having a motivated team can result in significant costs (and women need to feel confident in their own skin to achieve empowerment).

  • Not maintaining a work-life balance can cause employee issues in their personal lives that ultimately affect their work.

  • Low self-standards and confidence among your employees can lead to negative feedback from your clients. Your clients expect top-notch service and the best experts and specialists in the field.



  • Overwhelmed by the daily pressures of their job.

  • Experiencing low energy and feeling tired.

  • Feeling bloated, heavy, and unattractive.

  • Sensing that work consumes so much time that self-care falls behind.

  • Struggling to find time to educate themselves and search the information in areas related to health, self-care and fitness.

  • Due to a lack of time and work  -related stress, some of them resort to emotional eating, opting for convenient, processed foods that carry negative side effects for their health and well-being.

  • Believing they don't look the part and struggling to dress to impress.

  • Not knowing how to effectively highlight and express their attitudes.

  • Feeling that their appearance doesn't reflect their true selves.

  • Struggling to find a work-life balance.

  • Lost motivation to care about themselves due to working from home and participating in online meetings only.

  • Believing they're not showcasing their full potential.

  • Turning to self-medication with alcohol, sugar, Netflix, and social media.

A group of women engaged in a corporation wellness program, sitting together at a table with a laptop.

How can I help?

Best Corporate Wellness Online Program

EmpowHER is a comprehensive program designed specifically for ambitious and time-strapped women thriving in the corporate environment.

This transformative program serves as a start-up guide to help super busy professional women discover the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and the power of a personal brand. 

The program is packed with strategies for achieving their best, healthiest, and most empowered selves.

During the workshops, we will delve into the following topics:

(4 workshops or a single workshop with a chosen topic)

Nutrition · Fitness · Image & Self-care

    • The impact of diet on energy and mood

    • The influence of exercise on energy and mood

    • The connection between dressing and energy and mood

    • How to eat smart: making it quick and easy while ensuring you receive sufficient macro and micronutrients.

    • How to read food labels and steer clear of highly inflammatory foods that can lead to brain fog and low energy.

    • How to shop for and style clothes smartly, enabling you to create versatile outfits for multiple occasions.

    • How to embrace fitness without becoming obsessed and avoiding burnout by establishing intelligent routines.

    • Longevity and reverse aging tips and hacks

    • Strategies for maintaining healthy eating with a busy schedule

    • Eating and exercise habits to sustain high energy levels

    • Expressing personality through outfits in a professional setting - Dressing to impress

    • Emphasizing self-care in your daily routine

    • Establishing wardrobe basics: crafting a timeless and versatile collection.

    • Happy and confident employees (as women need to feel confident in their skin to achieve empowerment).

    • Enhanced professional image.

    • Increased creativity, ideas, and motivation.

    • Improved productivity.

    • More motivated team (benefits internally with a better dynamic at work and externally with a more positive perception from clients).

    • Reduced absenteeism due to overall better health.

    • Diminished stress, anxiety, and mood swings.

    • Enhanced mental clarity and motivation, leading to growth.

  • The way you feel reflects in your daily life. If you have low energy and feel tired, it will impact your work, relationships, and mental well-being. Taking charge of your energy and adopting positive habits in how you eat, dress, and live can help you maintain high energy levels and a consistent boost of motivation.

    Your inner well-being matters greatly! However, your outward appearance is just as crucial. Feeling good and authentic is essential, and aspiring to feel and dress like the leader of your own life is paramount. By doing so, the way others perceive you will elevate your career, results, and motivation.



Anna - Certified Nutritional Therapist and Personal Trainer

I'm an expert in Styling

I specialize in image/personal brand creation, nutrition, and fitness. With a background in Costume Design and Fashion Makeup School, I've gained expertise in various fields, including working with renowned brands like H&M, styling actors in national theaters, and contributing to TV productions like "You Can Dance" and "You've Got Talent." As a certified nutritional therapist and personal trainer, I have extensive experience guiding women one-on-one to achieve their weight loss and wellness goals.

Anna - Understanding Women's Health and Image

I’m an expert in Health Coaching

As a certified nutritional therapist and former personal trainer with over 10 years of experience, I have extensive experience guiding women one-on-one to achieve their weight loss and wellness goals. Client achievements span a weight loss of 5 to 12 kg within 8 to 12 weeks and a remarkable 200% boost in personal confidence. I have my methodology of coaching that was created and improved throughout the years. I focus on being realistic and adapt to my clients, making everything personalized.

Anna - Delivering Results in Weight Loss and Confidence

I understand women like no one else

I understand women like no one else: With over 10 years of experience coaching over 1000 women individually in different stages of their lives, I've learned that the obstacles they often face are a deficit of time and a disconnection between their position, personality, and their image. So, I created a perfect methodology that helps them implement simple strategies and hacks to prioritize themselves and become the healthiest, fittest, and most confident they've ever been!


Corporate Welness Program


My program includes a series of workshops that can be conducted either online or in person. However, I customize everything to cater to the specific needs of your employees. Please schedule a discovery call to explore how we can elevate your employees' personal brand, both from the inside and out.
